Monday 20 July 2015

July 2015 - 2 Plt, 3 PWRR OP TORAL update

Op Toral Update

2 Plt 3 PWRR are currently in Kabul on Op Toral as part of the team helping to train potential Afghan Officres. As part of that, this month saw the first Officer Cadets graduation ceremony. Uniquely this ceremony also saw female cadets complete officer training, a significant milestone towards the integration of females into the Afghan Army.
During the commissioning parade. 2 Plt, 3PWRR provide building clearenece, cordon security and force protection.  
The graduation ceremony ended with all Officer Cadets going on leave for the religious festival of Ramadan.

A two day competition was then held to challenge and refine our soldier’s skills and military knowledge. In teams of five, Two Platoon completed  a  number  of  stands  including ranges,  endurance  marches,  command tasks,  medical  simulations  and  vehicle recovery  drills.  The Junior Non Commissioned Officers (JNCs) had the opportunity to build on their leadership skills, whilst private soldiers gained experience in demanding scenarios. Overall, the event was a success, and one of the platoon’s teams achieved second place.
Insurgent  Activity  has  slightly  increased during  Ramadan,  in  particular  was  the attack  on  the  Parliament  building  at  the end of this month. However the insurgents continue  to  focus  their  attention  away from  us  and  concentrate  on  the  Afghan Security  Forces. 

Our  Foxhound  and Ridgeback  armoured  vehicles  are  proving ideal in the City as they provide good protection  and  are  highly  manoeuvrable  in traffic. The last six weeks of the deployment will  be  a  busy  period  with  the  next term of Officer Cadets arriving and occupying the newly built academy. As well as adapting  to  a  new  environment,  the  Platoon  will  have  the  additional  challenge  of handing over to the next unit, the 2ndBattalion,  the  Royal  Regiment  of  Scotland. This will be our final role before returning back to the UK.
Foxhound and Ridgeback vehicles

On the endurance march

Kabul scenery


Glock practice



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