Wednesday 27 May 2015

The Tigers on Op Toral

Resolute Support on Op Toral

Operation HERRICK became Operation TORAL on 1st January 2015 and the new NATO Mission, called Resolute Support (RS) switched from combat operations to Train, Advise, Assist. The UK remains well placed in Afghanistan, with a very lean force delivering operational effect at all levels, fully supporting the RS mission with an impact disproportionate to the size of the force.

The Afghan National Army Officer Academy (ANAOA) remains the most capable officer training institution with its vision set on developing leaders for a strong Army and proud nation.  ANAOA is located to the west of Kabul on the Marshal Fahim National Defence University (MFNDU) site.  It shares the 4.8 m2 MFNDU site with MFNDU HQ, the National Military Academy Afghanistan (NMAA) and will soon be joined by the Command and Staff College (CSC), the Sergeant Major Academy, COIN Centre of Excellence, Foreign Language Institute and the General Support Unit.

ANAOA is based on the successful RMAS model and, as in the UK, the OCdts undergo a year of officer training.  The six Partner Nations – UK, Australia, Denmark, New Zealand, Turkey and Norway – mentor the Afghan Directing Staff in an effort to further professionalise the instruction delivered.  These countries provide individual mentors to every Kandak instructor and key staff appointments across the Academy.

The ANAOA and The PWRR

Maj Steve Wall is the senior PWRR representative at the ANAOA and holds the position of SO2 G4.  He mentors the ANAOA logistics team led by four ANA officers.  Capt Drew Reed (2 PWRR and formerly Adjt 3 PWRR) is the MA to the Chief Mentor (a UK Brigadier).  CSgt Robertson (1 PWRR) is a mentor in the SAAW.  Each of the mentors deploys for 8-9 months.

Tigers on Op Toral
Camp Qargha is home to the mentors and they are protected by the Camp Qargha Force Protection (CQFP) who are currently drawn from 1 R ANGLIAN, augmented by a platoon from 3 PWRR led by Capt George Bignold.  The platoon joined the Vikings for this tour in line with the A2020 plan.  The QFPC will serve for a normal 6 month tour.

Colonel Charlie Sykes (late PWRR) is currently serving as Deputy COMBRITFOR, based at HQ RS in Kabul and is the senior Tiger in Theatre and visits ANAOA regularly.

Members of 1 PWRR, 2 PWRR and 3 PWRR on Op Toral
The QFPC and ANAOA mentors have been busy over the past few months as ANAOA prepares to move into a multi-million pound, purpose-built Academy having spent its early years living and working in expeditionary tents.  This makes the Academy the newest and most modern in the Eastern World and the envy of many.

Tigers mark Albuhera Day in Afghanistan

All PWRR soldiers on Operation TORAL enjoy the limited facilities and take part in all activities and even managed to uniquely celebrate Albuhera Day on the 16th May with Capt Drew Reed reciting the Special Order of the Day and leading the Silent Toast.  
Tigers mark Albuhera Day
The Silent Toast

Photos courtesy of Major Andy Whitehead -Hughs (PARA)

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